Namibia Wild Adventure


Join us on an extraordinary 11-night adventure through the magnificent landscapes of Namibia, commencing in the captivating city of Windhoek. We then embark on a remarkable journey through the awe-inspiring Kalahari region, where we'll encounter magnificent cheetahs up close and savour unforgettable sundowners on the famously vibrant red dunes. Continuing westward, we'll be enthralled by the breathtaking scenery and towering sand dunes of Sesriem, followed by a mesmerising visit to the rugged coastline and shipwrecks of the Skeleton Coast. Here, guests will have the exhilarating opportunity to indulge in quad biking and sandboarding, before venturing to one of the largest seal colonies on Earth. Heading further north, we'll immerse ourselves in the dry and rocky terrain of Damaraland, where guests will gain insight into the captivating tribal history, all while camping amidst the most breathtaking campsites we've ever laid eyes upon. Finally, our journey leads us into the realm of giants, the renowned Etosha National Park, where the enigmatic "ghost elephants" roam freely.

Ready for an adventure? You’re in the right place!

  • Guests will arrive throughout the day to our stunning partner hotel. Relax, unwind, and meet us and meet your fellow adventurers.
    We’ll then all get together for some dinner and a briefing about the next 11 days!

  • Today you’ll be introduced to our guides and have a short briefing, before hitting the road in our 4x4’s.
    Let the adventure BEGIN!

    We’ll drive South and into the red sand dunes of the Kalahari where we’ll arrive at our beautiful accommodation for the night

    After settling in we’ll be getting up close and personal with some orphaned Cheetah’s and enjoying a beautiful sunset atop one of the dunes, before heading back to the lodge for an amazing BBQ dinner!

  • The day will start with an early rise for coffee and out into the park to find some of the local wildlife. If you’re lucky you’ll meet the Rhinos!

    After a delicious breakfast at the lodge it will be time to hit the road and today we go West to the stunning sandy landscapes of Sesriem which boast some of the biggest sand dunes in the world!

    Tonight begins our first night of camping. Now the adventure really begins!

  • This morning we leave camp before the sun rises!
    We begin the 60km drive into Sesriem and towards the famous Big Daddy Dune, and ancient trees of Deadvlei.

    After a steep climb to the top of one of the world’s largest dunes we’ll see who’s brave enough to race to the bottom! Here you’ll find yourself surrounded by a dead forest which has remained for over 1,000 years!

    After a jam packed morning we’ll stop for a wild picnic breakfast under the shade of a tree before heading back to our campsite to relax by the pool for the afternoon!

  • This morning guests will have an awesome breakfast in camp before departing for the epic Skeleton Coast.

    We’ll arrive in the quaint town of Swakopmund where guests will have the opportunity to explore before meeting for sundowners and dinner by the beach

  • Today we conquer the dunes! After breakfast we’ll head into the Swakopmund dunes for an exciting quad biking and sand boarding experience.

    Guests will then be free to explore the town before meeting for drinks and dinner with a view

  • As we head North along the epic Skeleton Coast we’ll hunt for some of the 300+ ships that me their end there, and stop at one of the biggest seal colonies in the world, before heading inland to the breathtaking landscapes of Damaraland.

    With every turn in the road the views get more and more unbelievable, before eventually arriving to our camp nestled amongst giant boulders.
    Before the day ends we’ll visit a local educational village to learn about the Damara people, before grabbing a cold drink and watching the sun set on another epic day in Namibia!

  • We start our day by visiting the nearby lodge for a beautiful breakfast with views across the whole valley. The epic landscapes then continue as we head North towards Etosha, first stopping to explore ancient rock carvings dated back 4,000-6,000 years and a local Himba Tribe to learn about their traditions, and way of life.

    As we continue, it's time to enter the famous Etosha National Park, and head towards our campsite for the night.

  • Who’s ready for Safari??
    As we wake in the beautiful Etosha National Park, it's time to pack up and hit the road early to see as much game as possible. We'll spend a majority of the day exploring the park, getting closer than ever to giant elephants, giraffes, zebra and the National animal - Oryx, before heading to our lodge situated just outside of the park.

  • We'll grab an early breakfast and get one more quick game drive in Etosha before heading South towards Windhoek. But the adventure isn't over yet! Tonight, we'll spend the night in a famous Big Cat conservancy where guests will enjoy a Leopard tracking experience with the rangers!

  • We'll start our day by stretching our legs with an early morning hike into the hills, before packing up camp and leaving the wilderness.

    We’ll take the 3 hour drive back to Windhoek, settle into our beautiful boutique hotel and get ready to hit the town for our last night of fun!

    Eat, drink, dance and enjoy your last night in this fabulous country!

  • What can we say… We’ll be sad to see you leave, but the best part of the end of an escape is figuring out which one you’ll book next!