About Where Next Escapes

Meet the founders…

Myself (Adam) and Ina love travel, exploration and adventure! We love it so much that we left the UK with our daughter Malia and decided to spend our time exploring the world together as a family.
Whenever we would tell our friends and family about all the adventures we’d been on people would be in awe of the things we’d experienced and many would say that they wish they “could do what you guys are doing” but often they didn’t know where to start or were (understandably) anxious about trying something new.

We had an idea; What if we could curate amazing adventures for people, to make exciting locations and activities more accessible to the everyday person, whilst also creating a new travel community. We could take care of all the hard work in the background like vetting tour companies, testing locations & activities, making sure that people get the best service, best experience, and above all else to ensure it’s all done safely, AND it would all be delivered by us. We could create experiences that challenged guests to try new things, and step just a little bit out of their comfort zone with a group of new friends, whilst also being there with them to ensure that they were in good hands. This was the birth of Where Next Escapes!

Fast forward to today…

It’s still us! Still running around the world, setting up new locations, taking groups of amazing individuals to adventurous places to do things they have always dreamed of, creating our travel community.
I (Adam) host most of the escapes (as finding childcare for 10 days while we go and have fun with our guests can be a bit challenging), but we do manage to host the odd escape together, and Ina is who works hard behind the scenes on social media trying to showcase what we do to the world in a short 60-90 second piece of content (I think she definitely has a harder job than me!).

We love what we do!

So there it is. This is our little business and we love it dearly. It means the world to us that people choose Where Next Escapes to take them on an adventure, and we can’t wait to share the world and make adventure more accessible to more people.

If you’re a past guest reading this we thank you whole heartedly for trusting us with your hard earned money, and if you’re someone considering joining us in the coming months or years, we can’t wait to show you an awesome time!

 “Why do you go away? So that you can come back with new eyes and having had new experiences. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”