Kenya Wild Bush Adventure

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Are you ready for our most adventurous escape EVER?
This epic 8 night Kenyan bush adventure will take guests on an immersive journey from Nairobi, through Laikipia and onwards to the Northern Frontiers of Samburu. This escape will change the way you travel FOREVER!

Escape Summary

8 Nights Kenya Wild Adventure
1st-9th March 2025

Twin shared Tent & Room
Single Private Tent & Room

    • 3 nights Nairobi hotel

    • 4 nights camping (various locations)

    • 1 night luxury Samburu tented camp

    • Hiking Mt Ololokwe

    • Visit elephant sanctuary

    • Giraffe center Nairobi

    • Vehicles & fuel

    • Guides, drivers, chef & ranger fees

    • Breakfast, snack/lunch & dinner throughout

    • Drinking water, tea & coffee

    • Park & Conservancy fees

    • Camping fees

    • Arrival airport transfers

    • Much more!

  • 20 to 40 year olds that love group adventures, trying new things and getting uncomfortable sometimes.

    Come by yourself, as a couple or as a friend group. We love everyone!… except grumpy people… Yeah if you’re grumpy maybe try somewhere else ;)

  • Your adventure starts and ends in the city of Nairobi and will take you through Laikipia and on to Samburu.
    You should search for flight to/from JKIA Airport (NBO)

    We know that traveling solo can be a little intimidating so (because we’re just bloody brilliant) we’d be more than happy to search flight options for you and either email them over or jump on a call to have a chat.

    Just drop us an email:

    or WhatsApp us:


Important Information
Read before booking


In order to keep this escape more affordable we have included an option for tents/rooms to be shared (twin). Guests will have their own single bed in the tent & room but will be sharing with another guest. For private room please book “Single private”.

For two person bookings (couples & friends who wish to share), please book individually and select the “Twin Shared” option. We will ensure you are placed together and (where possible) change twin rooms to double.

Minimum number of guests required

Due to this being a road safari we can only 100% confirm your booking once the car has been filled. Please do not book flights until we have instructed you to do so. Once your car is full we will contact all guests to book flights.

How to book

Step 1. Read through all the information and ensure you’re booking the escape that’s right for you
Step 2. Select your room type (if you’re a 2 person booking please make separate bookings and select “twin shared”)
Step 3. Follow the steps to fill out the booking form and make your initial deposit of £500 per person
Step 4. Wait for your confirmation email
Step 5. Only book your flights to Nairobi when instructed to do so
Step 6. Pay your remaining balance 12 weeks before the escape (instructions will be sent on how to do this)
Step 7. See you in Kenya!